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About Starship

Our values

Haere Mai, Welcome: We see you and welcome you as a person

Manaaki, Respect: We respect, nurture and care for each other

Tūhono, Together: We are a high performing team

Angamua, Aim High: We aspire to excellence and safest care

Our vision

Healthy communities - World-class healthcare - Achieved together

Kia kotahi te Oranga mo te iti me te Rahi o Te Ao


Starship was opened on 18 November 1991. It was New Zealand's first hospital built exclusively for children and young people and their health needs. Starship's prime focus is on delivering family-centred care in a child friendly environment. The name Starship was chosen because of the design of the building which was created to appeal to children and young people. Starship is built around a central atrium.

In 2003 Starship expanded when the Paediatric and Congenital Cardiac Service (PCCS) relocated from Greenlane Hospital. At this time building work was undertaken resulting in one new ward, a new Emergency Department, a new Intensive Care Unit, two additional Operating Theatres and a new Radiology Department that included a Cardiac Investigations Room (CIR). Since then a CT scanner and MRI have also been built within the Radiology Department.

In 2004 the Greenlane Clinical Centre was established and Starship began providing some services at this location.

Services provided

Starship Children's Health provides a wide range of complex medical, surgical, cardiac and mental health services for children and young people throughout New Zealand and the South Pacific. Starship is a major teaching centre. It aims to lead the nation in paediatric training and research.  Services are provided in inpatient, outpatient, daystay and community settings.


Inpatient services are located at Starship, Park Road. These include both secondary and tertiary services.

Outpatient clinics for the Auckland region are currently conducted at Starship, Greenlane Clinical Centre, Wilson Centre, Waitakere Hospital, Wairau Valley Special School, Glen Innes Plunket Rooms, Sommerville Special School and Sunnydene Special School.

Outreach services are provided by Starship specialists who travel throughout the country to treat many patients, both outpatient and day surgery.

Community services are provided in homes, kohanga reo, pacific language nests, early childhood centres, schools, and community centres. 

