About the Starship Operating Rooms

We have a huge team specially trained to look after your child. This includes nurses, anaesthetists, technicians, surgeons, paediatricians, radiographers, health care assistants, play specialists… the list goes on and on!
We all work together with the aim of giving your child a good experience. Many children come to our operating rooms to have surgery, but we also help children have minor procedures (such as dental work), and tests (such as MRI scans). Sometimes we go with your child to parts of the hospital outside of the operating rooms.
Meet the Team
On the day of your operation, you will meet lots of people. Here are just some of the members of our team:

Health Care Assistant (HCA)
The health care assistant brings your child and whānau to the pre-op area, and takes them back to the ward or Day Stay once they have had their operation. HCAs are very good at helping you and your child find your way around the hospital. They also move big heavy machines and keep the equipment clean and tidy.

Pre-op nurse
The pre-op nurse is the first person you will meet within the operating rooms. They will ask you and your whānau some questions and ensure your child is prepared to have their operation.

Operating room nurse
Every operating room is run by a team of nurses. They have an important role in making sure the equipment is organised and assisting the surgeon and anaesthetist during the operation.

Anaesthetic technician
Your anaesthetic technician will make sure all the equipment used to keep your child safe during their operation is working as it should. They will set up the equipment and help the anaesthetist during the procedure.

Your anaesthetist is a specialist doctor who is in charge of giving and monitoring anaesthetic medicine and pain relief while while your child is having an operation. They also make sure your child is safe and comfortable when they wake up after the operation.

Your surgeon will perform your child’s procedure when your child is comfortable and asleep. They will talk to you before the procedure, and give you an update after they finish.

PACU nurse
The PACU nurse looks after your child when their operation is finished and stays with them until they wake up. As soon as your child starts to wake up, the PACU will come get you or your whānau. Sometimes they will even give your child an iceblock! When they are fully awake, the PACU nurse helps your child get back to Day Stay or the ward.
Cultural support
Where possible we will continue to support individual cultural requests within your operating room stay.
You will be asked if you wish to have any body tissue removed during your child's operation returned to you (if relevant and safe to do so)
Tissue that is required for further testing will be returned (if requested) at a later time
We respect your need if you should require a quiet moment for a karakia and if you wear a taonga please tell your nurse so that we can see how we can support this
What's next?
Before your visit
Preparing your child for their hospital visit
Information about your child's anaesthetic
Finding your way around