Adult Cardiac Day Stay Ward
The Cardiology Day Stay Ward, also known as Ward 38, is on the 3rd Floor of Auckland City Hospital. This is where you will come if you need to have a pre-admission visit.

Contact details
Phone (09) 307 4949 for all enquiries. The Clinical Nurse Specialist can be reached on (09) 307 4949 ext 24384 (main reception) or voice message 935843.
Visiting hours are between 8am to 5pm daily.
About Cardiology Day Surgery
Patients who come to Ward 38 are usually those who have come from home. Patients who are inpatients in another hospital will be transferred to either Ward 31 or our Coronary Care Unit (CCU).
Preadmission involves assessment, further education on your condition and consenting for the procedure you are going to have. This will take about two hours.
Please bring any X-Rays, CDs or notes you may have from your referring hospital with you and any medications you are taking.
You are welcome to bring your support person with you to your preadmission visit if you would like to.