The New Zealand Clinical Network for Children and Young People with Diabetes is to provide clinical leadership and oversight to ensure that there is a planned and consistent approach to the provision of diabetes services for taitamariki across Aotearoa New Zealand.  The aim of the network is to improve the health and wellbeing of people and whānau affected by diabetes, in an equitable way.

The Network has recently started publishing a snapshot of activities that have been achieved. The inaugural snapshot is shown to the right and we hope to publish these every six months. If you are a health professional interested in receiving our snapshot, please email us at to join the extended network.

General information about diabetes in children, developed by the Clinical Network for whānau can be found on

The network have created a list of Paediatric Diabetes Contacts across Aotearoa as a resource for clinicians.

Guidelines on Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetic Ketoacidosis Management are found in the “NZCYCN National Guidelines” on the Starship website.

The Clinical Network endorses the Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group guidelines for the Screening, assessment and management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in children and adolescents (

Dietitians and/or other members of the healthcare team, and members of the public, can email Dietitians NZ and ask to be put in touch with the Diabetes SIG convenor with a query: