Celebrating 20 years of Five Star support from Barfoot & Thompson
The Starship Foundation is celebrating a huge milestone - 20 years of working with our Five Star Partner Barfoot & Thompson to bring better health and brighter futures to children across Aotearoa.
Barfoot & Thompson has contributed $6M towards our national children’s hospital since the partnership began in 2003.
This significant contribution has enabled us to make great things possible at Starship for children, families and staff.
Some of the highlights include:
An equipment upgrade for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, supporting our tiniest patients and their whānau
The Magic of Reading programme, ensuring every child who spends a night in Starship receives their very own book to take home. Since 2003, over 203,000 books have been gifted.
Whare Hauora, a modular healthcare unit for two Auckland schools, bringing healthcare directly to children in their communities
Acknowledging Starship staff on International Nurses Day with moments of surprise and delight
Whitinga ora pēpi, New Zealand’s first neonatal transitional care unit, wrapping care around newborns with high health needs.
Watch the video below for a glimpse of these highlights and more.
Starship Foundation Chief Executive, Jo Simon says, “We cannot thank Barfoot & Thompson enough for their incredible support for Starship staff, children and families over the past 20 years. This support has truly made a world of difference and will continue to be felt for generations to come.”