Laylani Wendt-Faapoi, Auckland

Laylani Wendt-Faapoi

How you’re supporting Laylani to live her best life

Sixteen-year-old Laylani Wendt-Faapoi from Auckland has had type 1 diabetes for fourteen years. She’s struggled to manage her health at times…but recently she’s turned that around.

A Starship Foundation trial funded by supporters like you has made this possible

She’s one of ten young people selected for the trial…it means she’s had up-to-date technology including an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor. As a result, she can better manage her diabetes. 

Laylani has made the most of the opportunity. Grace Harris, a Paediatric Diabetes Nurse Specialist at Starship, has helped support her.

“Laylani was really impressive in the way she managed the insulin pump trial. She met our aim of not having any admissions to hospital. And in fact, she managed to halve her HbA1c. That was really dramatic progress for just over three months,” explains Grace.  

By helping us fund this project, you’re giving children like Laylani the tools to better manage their health. In turn, you’re helping to keep children out of hospital

Laylani is very grateful.

“The continuous glucose monitor has made such a big difference …I’m able to always see what’s going on. And because I have insulin always going in, I don’t have to worry about giving injections all of the time”, she says.

“For a long time I felt quite limited with my diabetes and I felt restricted in some of the things that I did. So I’m thankful for this opportunity. It’s opened my eyes to more of the things that I’m able to do.”

Laylani is active in her school community, and enjoys singing and performing. She’s also an advocate and speaks openly to raise awareness of diabetes. 

Through this trial, you’re also helping our children live more active, involved lives.

There are between 1500 and 2000 young people living with diabetes across New Zealand today. The Starship Foundation is helping to advance their care in a number of ways.

Fran Mouat, Lead Clinician for the Starship Endocrine and Diabetes Service says, “Ultimately, we’re trying to enable them to spend as much time as possible out of hospital. We can give them a more normal life, and enable them to participate in all their usual activities at home and at school.” 

Our sincerest thanks for giving better health to children and young people like Laylani. Your support is helping them live a more active life, and keeping them out of hospital.

Thank you for taking the time to read this story. If you’d like to donate now, please do so here.