NZ General Paediatric Forum 2025

New Zealand General Paediatric Forum 2025 - Wednesday March 12th – Friday March 14th

Join colleagues from around Aotearoa for 3 days of lectures and workshops on a wide range of general paediatric topics. The Forum is a great opportunity to catch up with colleagues from around the

The NZ General Paediatric Forum is an annual meeting showcasing the latest development in paediatrics with update lectures and case-based tutorials from national experts. The meeting has been running for over 16 years and has an attendance of 70-80 delegates who are mainly regional paediatricians from around New Zealand.

The meeting is held at The Clinical Education Centre (CEC), Level 4, Auckland City Hospital.

Register here

Programme: please view here

This seminar is run on a not-for-profit basis with administration assistance from the Starship Foundation. Starship Foundation will not be liable for any loss that may arise from the conference. Fees are purely to cover the basic administrative costs, and lunch, morning and afternoon tea.
Single Day Registration: $550 +GST
Single Day Registration (for those without CME): $220+GST
Full Registration $1500+GST ($550+GST for those without CME)

Dinner Details
Thursday 13th March a Dinner has been organised at Auckland Wintergarden Cafe, Parnell, with Guest Speaker - Glenn Colquhoun. You are more than welcome to attend this with your fellow conference attendees and any partners.
The cost of this dinner is $120 per person, payable upon registration of the Update.

Workshop 1: RACP - Supervisor's Workshop: Wednesday 12 March 9am -12 noon
On the Wednesday morning of the meeting we will be hosting a FRACP Supervisor's
Workshop at the same venue. Please consider attending these workshops. They will soon be compulsory for rotation supervisors. For more information and to register, visit the booking page here.
Henly Room, Clinical Education Centre, Level5, Auckland City Hospital

Workshop 2: RSV symposium: Wednesday 12 March 9am- 12 noon
Join us for an for an update on RSV disease in Aotearoa NZ infants and children, the available passive immunisation strategies, and what progress NZ has made. Hosted by the Infectious Diseases & Immunisation Special Interest Group of the Paediatric Society.
Main Auditorium, Clinical Education Centre, Level5, Auckland City Hospital
For more information and to register, visit the booking page here.

Workshop 3: A paediatrician's roadmap to evaluating irritability and aggression in Autism: Wednesday 12 March 9am- 12 noon. Limited to 30 people
This interactive workshop introduces a structured algorithm for evaluating and managing irritability and aggression in children and adolescents with autism. Participants will explore a holistic approach to addressing medical, developmental, psychiatric, behavioural, psychosocial, and environmental drivers of behavioural complexity. Using case scenarios, we will demonstrate the algorithm’s application in practice, review the evidence base for pharmacological management, and provide strategies to navigate complex decision-making in this area.
Neurology Room, Clinical Education Centre, Level5, Auckland City Hospital
For more information and to register, visit the booking page here.

Cancellation Policy
You may reassign your registration to another person from your company by notifying
the Paediatric Update Organisers before 5pm Friday 8th March.  If you are unable to arrange a replacement, a full credit less an administration fee of 20% will be made provided written notification is received by 5pm Friday 8th March. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after this date.

Accommodation Details
If you are traveling from out-of-town your accommodation requirements are your responsibility.

Previous Programmes


Joanne Martin, Conference Organiser: 021 614 655 or

Maneesh Deva, Convenor:

Steven Heap, Convenor: