NZ’s only dedicated Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
Starship's Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is the only dedicated children's intensive care in New Zealand.
Each year, around 1200 of New Zealand's most critically ill and injured children are treated here.
You can help ensure they continue to receive world-class healthcare. DONATE NOW
You can donate now via our website. Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 782 774 and make a donation over the phone.

More vital space for PICU
Right now Starship is going through the biggest redevelopment since it opened in 1991. PICU is being expanded to provide more vital clinical space, as well as more facilities for staff and whānau.
Thanks to generous supporters like you, we are able to celebrate a massive milestone. Stage one of the expansion is complete providing more vital beds to care for New Zealand’s sickest or injured children.
PICU now has an additional eight beds with a further two to open once demand increases, to future proof Starship’s PICU.
Once all 10 beds are in use this will increase capacity in PICU from 22 to 32. That’s a 45% increase on the dedicated bed spaces PICU previously had.
You’ve helped fix the one thing clinicians can’t fix – creating more vital space.
Stage two: To get underway in the next few months
Stage two will include new and improved facilities for PICU families and staff, a new Satellite Day Stay Unit, new public areas, training and educational spaces and additional office space.
Once this second stage is complete, Starship will be virtually unrecognisable from how it is today.
We’re still fundraising to make PICU the absolute best it can be, with updated designs incorporating staff and patient wellbeing. The project is due to be complete in 2025.
Become a Starship supporter. DONATE NOW