Shaving his lush locks in tribute to brother
Patrick is indulging in lots of conditioner and ponytails before his big chop this weekend. He has been growing his glorious locks for four years now and for him, it’s more than just hair. It gave him confidence through his university years and helped him find his aesthetic.
Patrick’s brother was diagnosed with osteosarcoma when he was 17, a form of bone cancer occurring in children and young adults. “We were faced with a difficult decision of keeping his leg or his life. With time running out, we were forced with amputation.”
Patrick spent many days and nights at Starship by his brother’s side during his treatment.
“The staff at Starship were just so incredible and patient for helping us getting through all those ups and downs during treatment. From the bottom of my heart, I can’t thank them enough especially the nurses that took care of my brother,” Patrick says.
Patrick had decided even before his brother got sick, that he would grow and donate his hair. But he never thought he would be fundraising for someone so close to him.

Patrick’s hair will all be shaved off this Sunday. He’s going to miss cleaning it and keeping it lush, but he’s also looking forward to having less admin with a shaved head! Help Patrick reach his goal of raising funds for the hospital which helped his brother who is now happily studying at AUT more than a year after completing his treatment at Starship.
His hair will be donated to Freedom Wigs for someone else to clean and care for.
You can donate here.