Safekids Aotearoa

Safekids Aotearoa is the national child injury prevention service for New Zealand. It was established by Starship Children’s Health Trauma Service more than 20 years ago.
It uses evidence-based methods and data to reduce the high rates of unintentional injury suffered by New Zealand’s children.
Safekids also works to raise public awareness of child injury issues. It advocates for children and informs planners, decision-makers and providers to improve child safety.
In addition, Safekids is active at community level. It works directly with more than 26 community providers nationally to assist family and whānau. These partners share safety information and provide resources that evidence shows prevents unintentional injury.
Visit their page to learn more.
“Better health and wellbeing for kids by avoiding injury. That’s the impact Safekids has. We’re proud to enable more of that work. The support translates directly into better life outcomes for our tamariki.”
Aisha Daji Punga, CEO, Starship Foundation