SKY Customers Raise $100,000 to Help Keep Kiwi Babies Safe
SKY customers raised $100,000 during October to help Kiwi babies avoid Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy (SUDI) through the Pepi-Pod programme.
SKY customers took almost 20,000 popular SKY channels for just $5 during October. They did so knowing every dollar raised would go straight to the Starship Foundation in support of the Pepi-Pod project to provide a safe sleeping environment for babies and reduce SUDI.
The premium SKY channels on offer included SoHo, RIALTO, Country TV, ARTS,SKY SPORT and The Rugby Channel.
Now in its third year, SKY;'s campaign has generated well over $300,000 for much-needed equipment at Starship Children's Hospital. This year, the money will go towards the purchase of hundreds of Pepi-Pods plus a mobile telemedicine unit for PICU (the only Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in New Zealand).
Dr Alison Leversha, Community Paediatrician, Starship Children's Hospital and Chair of the ADHB Child and Youth Mortality Review Group, says;
"The implementation of the Pepi-Pod programme will provide a safe sleep space for our most vulnerable infants for every sleep, every night, in every location."

SKY SPORT presenter Melodie Robinson says the annual promotion is close to her heart and a great opportunity for SKY customers to help make a difference to children throughout New Zealand while also enjoying some great entertainment.
"Our customers have been so generous in supporting our campaigns and this year is no exception. SKY is such a strong supporter of the Starship Foundation and we are thrilled to again raise at least $100,000 for such vital equipment.
"I know first-hand how trying it can be getting your baby to sleep - I remember getting up at 1am, 3am and 5am with my son during the first 12 weeks and would have loved a Pepi-Pod. This equipment will make a real difference for many families."
Starship Foundation CEO Brad Clark says SKY's ongoing support is hugely appreciated.
"Starship is our national children's hospital and, as such, touches many, many children and their families from all over the country. We are very appreciative of the strong partnership with SKY and the brilliant support from SKY customers."