Harri, Christchurch
The Starship National Air Ambulance truly is an intensive care unit in the sky - treating and transporting some of New Zealand's most critically ill and injured children - giving them the help they so desperately need. Will you please click here to make a donation today to keep this vital service in the air?
You could help save the life of a baby like Harrison.
Soon after Harri was born in Christchurch, his parents received terrible news from their paediatrician:
"I'm so sorry, your son's got a critical heart condition."
Harri needed urgent heart surgery. Like many seriously ill children in New Zealand, an urgent air ambulance transfer to Starship was his only chance.
Harrison and his mum Mel were flown to Starship's Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), where a surgical team explained that Harri's aortic valve was too narrow to function properly.
They gave me a few minutes with him, and I told him that I loved him very much. Then they took him away.
Mel, Harri's mum
Mel has trouble recalling how many hours had passed when the cardiologist finally appeared with news. Harri's procedure had been successful. Harri survived his surgery, and the day finally came at last when Mel and Rod could hold their little boy. Mel remembers being overwhelmed with joy:
"It was the best feeling. The best moment of my life!"
That very special moment would not have been possible without gifts from caring Starship supporters, who keep the Starship National Air Ambulance service in the air.
Please help make sure lifesaving care is never out of the reach of children like Harri and their families. Please click here to make a donation now.
To view a very special video created by Harri's dad, Rod, please click here.