Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia PI ALL-1 Protocol
NCCN Pacific Island Working Group Protocol for the treatment of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
PI ALL-1 will continue to be used in some countries - eg Samoa. PI ALL-2 does not replace PI ALL-1, but is for those countries resourced for a more intensive regimen-eg Fiji and Tonga
Children and young people in the Pacific have not enjoyed the survival of their peers in developed health systems. This has been the result of a number of factors including late or non diagnosis, treatment toxicity on protocols considered standard in developed health systems and treatment abandonment due to expense and family dislocation. This protocol has been drawn from strategies used by NZ and Australian paediatricians to treat children with ALL in the past, at a time when the ability to treat and support children with malignant disease was at an early stage of development.
Access the full guideline here via this link
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Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors state they have no financial or other interest in the production of this protocol which is done in the interests of public good and to support the established twinning arrangements between the two New Zealand Paediatric oncology centres and colleagues in the Pacific.