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Health Professionals
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2023 Archive
Starship Wednesday Updates from 2023
Health Professionals
2023-11-22: Consult Liaison - what is it and why do we need it
2023-10-11: Epidemiology of treated epilepsy of children in New Zealand
2023-11-15: The next phase of clinical genomics
2023-12-06: FASD diagnosis
2023-12-13: Dysautonomia and POTS
2023-10-25: Te Tūāpapa o He Pikorua
2023-09-27: The era of gene therapy has arrived
2023-09-20: Implicit Bias Project at Kidz First - Discourse Analysis
2023-08-23: Sentinel injuries as early indicators of child abuse
2023-08-16: Tū Pono Āroha – so what?
2023-08-09: Respiratory health in tamariki & rangatahi with cerebral palsy
2023-07-12: Early life exposure factors driving the development of allergy and asthma
2023-06-07: The ProVIDE trial and refeeding syndrome
2023-05-17: What the evidence tells us about using High Flow Therapy this winter
2023-05-10: Epipens in Schools
2023-05-03: Update on the Australian ADHD Guidelines
2023-03-22: 21 years of liver transplantation in Aotearoa
2023-04-05: Access to medicines in low income countries
2023-03-29: Bridging the divide between primary and secondary care paediatrics
2023-04-19: Pizza for breakfast