Clinical Excellence - Resources
Starship Adverse Event Review Process
Service Mortality and Morbidity Reviews
HQSC Links
Hospital and Specialist Services Severity Assessment Code (SAC) examples
Learning from harm resources - Guide to doing a learning review
Quality Improvement
Other Useful Links
Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) Paediatric Programme
Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit | Institute for Healthcare Improvement
Library Database and Resource Directory: Innovation and Improvement Clearinghouse: Healthpoint
Te Toka Tumai Hippo Pages
Niho Taniwha Model
The Niho Taniwha model has come from Te Korowai Aroha o Aotearoa who are an internationally institution of indigenous education and training.
We use this model to breakdown a goal into achievable pieces of work.
Please see below for previous editions of Starship's Clinical Excellence Newsletters
Service Outcomes Report Template
Service Outcome Report Template