
The Douglas Starship Simulation Programme (DSSP) undertakes research incorporating simulation in a number of settings. Recent DSSP led projects include task training and retention of skills and advanced airway management. Additionally, DSSP contributes to simulation studies through collaboration with international research trials

If you are interested to participate in simulation research please email us at


  • 2011 ADHB Education Excellence Awards - Finalist

  • 2013 ADHB Celebrating Excellence - Winner of the 'highly commended award" for nursing posters

  • 2017 ADHB Allied Health Scientific and Technical Awards, child Health Directorate - Winner

  • 2018 ADHB Matāriki Value Award - Winner for Difficult Conversation workshop

  • 2023 International Paediatric Simulation Society Best Research Poster Award - Winner for He Taonga Aroha - Discharge simulation based education programme: The Power of Connection


Nuthall G, Wood P, Shepherd M. Paediatric Simulation Training. In: Maconochie I, editor. Recent Advances in Paediatrics. 27. London: JP Medical Ltd; 2016. p. 39-49

Newhouse L, Polwart N. What can simulation educators learn from the reluctant participant? An exploration of the factors influencing engagement amongst adult learners participating in paediatric simulation training. Adv Simul (Lond). 2025;10(1):4.