Resources and teaching
Teaching programme
Training in focused ultrasound in CED includes a combination of internal, external and remote access learning.
For CED House Officers and Registrars we have two teaching sessions per six months as part of our Wednesday teaching sessions.
Session one is a brief introduction to ultrasound, care and use of our departmental ultrasound machine, credentialing pathways for trainees, EFAST and procedural guidance.
Session two is aimed at Lung, FELS and other interesting and relevant PEM applications of USS
For CED SMO’s we will also provide CME after the Tuesday SMO meeting to encourage training and credentialing in the SMO group.
Teaching resources and courses
CED Resources
ACEM resources
The ACEM teaching modules are mandatory for trainees who commence the FACEM Training Program from 2022 and must be completed by the end of Training Stage 2. The modules also meet requirements for the Theory aspect of credentialing. Any individual can create an ACEM log in and access these courses here. The courses provided include:
Introduction to ED POCUS
FELS (Focused Echo in Life Support) - 2 modules
Procedural Guidance - 4 modules
Additional Quizzes and image libraries for eFAST, AAA, lung and FELS (for the extra 25 scans required for Credentialing), can be accessed here
Other Resources
POCUS 101 An excellent resource for POCUS tutorials
NYSORA Provide an excellent Nerve Block app
ImageSim Provide large image bank review courses
The POCUS atlas Provide cases with images/videos of pathology
Links to Academic papers and evidence
Paediatric emergency medicine point-of-care ultrasound
Point-of-care ultrasound in paediatric emergency medicine
Getting started in paediatric emergency medicine point-of-care