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Kōrero Mai (Talk to me)

We know that sometimes it can be difficult for young people, parents and whānau to talk about their concerns to health care teams and for us to understand how worried you are feeling about changes in your child's condition.

Kōrero Mai helps parents and caregivers to have a voice when you are concerned about your child. It’s about us listening to you so that we can respond as quickly and effectively as we can.

Watch the video below to learn more about how Kōrero Mai works to support ward teams and young people, parents and whānau to work together to escalate care.


korero mai info


As family/whānau, you are essential to your child's care and wellbeing. If you are worried that your child is getting sicker or not improving as expected while they are in hospital, you should follow these steps:

  1. Press the call button. Talk to the nurse
    if you are still concerned, then

  2. Press the call button or go to the front desk. Ask to talk to the Nurse in Charge.
    if you are still concerned, then

  3. Call the hospital emergency 0800 number. The number can be found in the information in your welcome pack and on the poster in the bedspace. That information will also tell you what you need to say to the operator when you call.
    The 'Code Pink' hospital emergency team will be with you at your bedside in the next 15 minutes.