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Ngā Pou Tamariki Haumaru

Since August 2018, Ngā Pou Tamariki Haumaru has been providing national leadership for Safekids’ child injury prevention initiatives. This governance group supports the development of unintentional child injury prevention priorities and the promotion of a coordinated approach to child injury prevention in Aotearoa. It aims to support a national programme of initiatives focused on reducing the incidence and severity of unintentional injuries to children (0 to 14 years).

The name Ngā Pou Tamariki Haumaru was selected to align with the official Māori name of Safekids Aotearoa as well as the tikanga with which this forum has been established. The English name of this Roopu is the Unintentional Child Injury Prevention Advisory Group (UCIP).

Ngā (plural)

Pou refers to the main mast and repository of knowledge.

Tamariki encompasses Children.

Hau refers to vital essence and vitality and signifies life-force, life, wind, air, and oxygen.

Maru signifies shelter, shield, safe and risk-free and is associated with safety, protection, preservation, caring for, nurturing and to look after.

Ngā Pou Tamariki Haumaru A collective of experts who will provide advice that ensures a safe, protective and nurturing environment for the lives of Children in Aotearoa.

Links to Terms of Reference

Terms of reference

Links to Minutes


  • Bridget Kool, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The University of Auckland (Chair)

  • Nigel Chee, General Manager Māori Health, Waitemata DHB & Auckland DHB

  • Dr Michael Shepherd , Director Starship Children’s Health, Paediatric Emergency Medicine Specialist

  • Erin Gough, Senior Advisor (Child and Youth Voice), Office of the Children’s Commissioner

  • Dr Rebecca Haymen, Specialist Paediatrician, Kidz First, Counties Manukau DHB

  • Hilda Fa’asalele, Lecturer, Nursing, Manukau Institute of Technology

  • Mareta Hunt, Director, Safekids Aotearoa

  • Gaylene Leabourn, Portfolio Manager, Ministry of Health

  • Isaac Carlson, Head of Injury Prevention, ACC

  • Bryan Sherrit, Executive General Manager Safety, Auckland Transport

Check out our latest reports below:

Safekids Progress Report July - September 2022