Factsheets and infographics

Asian child unintentional injury
[Factsheet, 2016]
This factsheet gives New Zealand unintentional injury death and hospitalisation figures for Asian children between 0 and 14 years old.
It shows leading causes and gives suggestions for interventions.
This publication is only available as a download.
Download PDF Safekids Factsheet Asian Injuries>>

Tamariki Māori unintentional injuries
[Factsheet [2017]
10 page, A4 factsheet about Maori child injury taken from hospital admissions and deaths data between 2010 and 2014.
Shows trends and leading causes of injuries and deaths. Gives possible preventative interventions.
Currently only available as a PDF file.
Download PDF Safekids Maori Injury Factsheet>>

Tamariki Māori injuries
[Infographic, 2017]
A4 page of figures about Māori child injury taken from hospital admissions and deaths data between 2010 and 2014.
Shows trends and leading causes of injuries and deaths.
Download PDF Safekids Maori Injury Infographic>>

Pacific children injuries
[Infographic, 2017]
A4 page of figures about Pacific child injury taken from hospital admissions and deaths data between 2010 and 2014.
Shows trends and leading causes of injuries and deaths.
Download PDF Pacific Child Injury Infographic>>

Pacific child unintentional injuries
[Factsheet 2017]
A4 factsheet about Pacific child injury taken from hospital admissions and deaths data between 2010 and 2014.
Shows trends and leading causes of injuries and deaths. Gives possible preventative interventions.
Currently only available as a PDF file.
Download Pacific Child Injury Factsheet >>

Child farm injuries
[Factsheet, 2016]
This 4 page factsheet gives New Zealand farm injury death and hospitalisation figures for children between 0 and 14 years old.
It shows leading causes and gives suggestions for interventions. This publication is currently available as a download only.
This resource is aimed at practitioners and others running injury prevention programmes.
Download PDF Safekids Farm Injury Factsheet>>
Child quad bike injuries
[Factsheet, 2014]
This factsheet summarises New Zealand and overseas research into quad bike injuries.
It looks at who is most at risk, as well as the causes, circumstances and place of injury.
Prevention strategies such as helmet use, licensing, safety information, policy and regulations are discussed.
Five recommendations for the New Zealand context are proposed.
This resource is aimed at practitioners and others running injury prevention programmes.
Download Child Quad Bikes Factsheet >>

Child deaths in New Zealand (Monthly)
[Infographic, 2016]
1 page infographic gives key NZ child injury risk areas and statistics.
Risk areas include:
suffocation, pedestrian, burns, poisoning, motor vehicle, drowning,falls and other land transport
Download PDF Safekids Child Deaths Infographic>>

Child Hospitalisations in New Zealand (Daily)
[Infographic, 2016]
1 page infographic gives key NZ child injury risk areas and statistics.
Risk areas include:
falls, inanimate mechanical forces, pedestrian, burns, suffocation, animate injuries, poisoning, cycling, drowning, and other land transport.

Child unintentional deaths and injuries in New Zealand, and prevention strategies
[Report, 2015]
This report presents an in-depth analysis of the nine major causes of unintentional injuries in NZ children.
It also references proven prevention strategies for each cause.

Child motor vehicle passenger injuries : effectiveness of belt positioning booster seats
[Factsheet, 2009]
This is a factsheet compiled by Safekids NZ for use as part of the Safekids Campaign 2009/10.
Child (0-14 years) motor vehicle passenger safety is one of the 2009/10 Campaign themes. Information and statistics are provided under the following headings: Overview, Best practice, Effectiveness of belt positioning booster seats, Advantages of using a booster seat, How long do children need to use a booster seat?
Download Safekids Factsheet CMVP Belt Positioning >>
Childhood unintentional fall related injuries
[Factsheet, 2012]
This factsheet was produced as part of the Safekids Campaign 2012-13 'out and about safety' theme. It includes sections on: 'Deaths', 'Hospitalisations', children aged 0 to 4 years, 5 to 9 years, and 10 to 14 years and 'Some effective interventions'.
Include data and statistics from: Injury Prevention Research Unit (IPRU), University of Otago. Includes figures and references This resource is aimed at practitioners and others running injury prevention programmes.
Download Childhood Unintentional Fall Related Injuries Factsheet>>
Child cycling injury prevention
[Factsheet, 2012]
This is a resource for practitioners and those running injury prevention programmes.
This new child cyclist injury prevention factsheet includes sections on: 'Fatal Injuries 2003-2007'; 'Non-fatal Injuries 2005-2009' and 'Interventions to reduce injuries to child cyclists': 1. Bicycle helmets 2. Bicycle skills training 3. Enhancing the safer use of bicycles as part of children’s active travel 4. Increasing the visibility of child cyclists 5. Engineering interventions and the impact of the built environmen.
Download Safekids Factsheet Child Cyclist Injuries>>

Child Burns Factsheet
[Factsheet 2017]
A4, 6 page factsheet with data and information on causes of unintentional child burn hospitalisations in NZ.
It also contains a section on gender and ethnicity, messaging and good practice interventions.
Download Safekids Burns Factsheet>>

Child driveway run over injuries
[Factsheet, 2011]
This A4 factsheet includes sections on:
'Injury definition', 'Data source', 'Non-fatal injuries', 'Fatal injuries' and 'Data limitations'.
This resource is aimed at practitioners and others running injury prevention programmes.
Download Child driveway run over injuries factsheet>>