Safekids services
As the recognised experts in unintentional child injury prevention, Safekids Aotearoa provides valuable information, services and advice to government agencies, territorial authorities, Well Child providers, health professionals, private industry, media, educators and families.

How we prevent injury
Safekids Aotearoa utilises evidence-based research and national and local child injury data alongside programme evaluation insights to develop and implement unintentional child injury initiatives. We work closely with clinicians to gather insights on emerging child injury trends and to understand the impact of injuries at the emergency department door and beyond.
We have close relationships with around 30 provider organisations nationally. These work with whānau in the community and in their homes. We share injury prevention knowledge and resources to empower and equip these providers to help whānau make changes that keep their children safe. Nearly all of these organisations work directly with Māori and Pacific people's whānau, which puts us in a privileged position to listen carefully about what is happening away from large cities and big hospitals.
Our Māori team members maintain broad relationships with iwi, hapu and whānau that have enabled us to gather and share mātauranga and māramatanga Māori on child and whānau safety and traditional parenting. We have a growing network of Māori professionals to support this mahi. This includes editors, academics, evaluators, videographers, translators, composers, narrators and photographers. Our work is closely monitored and supported by DHB Māori leadership and kaumatua and kaimahi with a growing interest in child injury prevention.
We provide:
Safekids Aotearoa produces fact sheets, position papers, and presentations to help inform and guide decision-makers, media, community organisations and individuals who seek to improve policies and practices that will contribute to reducing the incidence of unintentional injury to children.
Safekids Programmes
Safekids Aotearoa aims to strengthen partners, coalitions, communities, whānau and like-minded individuals in working together towards addressing leading and emerging injury issues.
An integral part of Safekids Aotearoa's strategy for child injury prevention is to provide a solid base of information about unintentional child injury and how it can be prevented. Safekids aims to promote and assist child injury prevention work throughout New Zealand.
For kaimahi in the health and wellbeing sectors, we provide training both face-to-face and online. For parents and caregivers, we also offer a range of safety resources on preventing unintentional child injuries - download or order our free resources here.
For research on child injury prevention, subscribe to SafetyLit here.
For policy updates, subscribe to Tūmatakahuki here.