Education Opportunities - Paediatric Palliative Care

Paediatric Palliative Care Education Forum
Every 3rd Tuesday of the month, 8-9am
This is a national forum held by video conference for health professionals with an interest in paediatric palliative care. Sessions are provided by the Starship Palliative care service, and clinicians around the country, caring for children with palliative care needs around the county.
Topics vary and include physical symptom management, psychosocial, spiritual and cultural care, ethical issues, and quality initiatives.
If you are interested in attending or presenting in this forum, please contact Karyn Bycroft (
Introduction to Paediatric Palliative Care – Education workshops for health professionals
Dates for 2023:
AUCKLAND - Day One 16th May 2023; Day Two 23rd May 2023
Sessions are held in the Clinical Education Centre on Level 5 of Auckland City Hospital. The day runs from 8am – 4:30pm.
A two day education programme covering core components of providing palliative care to Tamariki and Rangatahi with serious illness and their whānau. This programme is open to any health professional working in Child Health in New Zealand. There are no prerequisites for Day One, however, it is expected you will complete Day One before completing Day Two.
Objective: To increase knowledge and skills of health professionals, in order to improve palliative care provided to infants, children and adolescents who have a life-limiting or life threatening condition and to their families/whānau
Structure: A series of interactive sessions will be provided by a range of presenters from the Starship Palliative care multi-disciplinary team.
Day One is focused on the fundamentals of Paediatric Palliative Care (introduction to principles, advance care planning, communication, self-care, spirituality, grief & bereavement and neonatal palliative care)
Day Two is more focused on management of distressing symptoms in Paediatric Palliative Care (pain management, management of neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, emotional & behavioural symptoms and caring for the imminently dying child)
For further information, or to book on a day, please contact Gemma Aburn, Nurse Specialist, Paediatric Palliative Care, by email:
These workshops are also being offered in regional centres with workshops planned for Wellington & Christchurch in 2023. If your region is interested in hosting a Paediatric Palliative Care workshop in the future, please contact Gemma Aburn, Nurse Specialist, Paediatric Palliative Care, by email:
