Medical roles at Starship
What Starship has to offer
Starship hospital is a tertiary children's hospital providing general, subspecialty and acute medical care.
Subspecialty services at Starship include cardiology, respiratory, oncology, neurology, endocrinology, infectious diseases, immunology, gastroenterology, metabolic, renal, rheumatology, child liaison psychiatry and child protection services.
Acute services include the children's emergency department, surgical services, including trauma, orthopaedic, neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology and general surgery, and paediatric and newborn intensive care units.
All services provide a supportive consultant led environment with many having additional fellow and nurse practitioner or nurse specialist support. Our computerised information systems make patient information including clinic and discharge letters, imaging, laboratory and other results easy to access, while the Starship and newborn services clinical guidelines are used by doctors throughout New Zealand.

Starship is an ideal hospital to study for the paediatric fellowship of the royal australasian college of physicians (FRACP) written and clinical examinations. The FRACP teaching programme and the popular yearly FRACP written exam course are run through the University of Auckland and Starship hospital, contributing to the exceptional Auckland written exam pass rate. In addition the clinical programme run through the Auckland region provides an opportunity for consultant led long case presentations and short case teaching. For those in basic training or considering a career in paediatrics then the diploma of paediatrics is also run though the University of Auckland at the Auckland medical school.
Weekly grand round and paediatric updates are broadcast from Starship throughout New Zealand providing both interesting and up to date information for paediatricians and trainees. In addition there is weekly teaching provided for house officers and registrars not attending FRACP teaching.
For advanced trainees there are a number of research and clinical opportunities through yearly Starship Foundation research grants. Starship also has a chief resident who co ordinates leave, rosters and teaching as well as being a registrar and house officer advocate at a consultant and management level.
Overall, Starship provides an interesting and supportive learning environment for doctors interested in learning more about or pursuing a career in paediatrics.
Senior medical opportunities can be found on the Te Toka Tumai Auckland careers website
Junior Medical Opportunities
All services provide a supportive consultant led environment, with many teaching opportunities.
Registrars rotate through Starship as part of the Auckland regional paediatric vocational training scheme. The majority of registrar training positions are of 4 month duration. There are 6 month rotations available in paediatric intensive care (PICU), child liason psychiatry and outpatient clinics. Many of these provide a unique opportunity to help manage complex cases and contribute to both basic and advanced training requirements.
We also provide 3 monthly house officer rotations through a number of services including surgical (orthopaedic, general surgery, neurosurgery, ear nose and throat), subspecialty (cardiology, respiratory, oncology, neurology, endocrinology, infectious diseases, immunology, gastroenterology, renal, rheumatology), general medical, post natal wards and children's emergency department.
See the Auckland Doctors website for further information on recruitment, including individual job descriptions.
Medical Electives
Every year Starship Children's Health accepts a limited number of elective placements from international students in their final year of medical training.
See University of Auckland website on how to apply.