Referrals - Paediatric Palliative Care

The PPC team sees infants, children and young people up to the age of 15. However, PPC is also available to support young people older than 15 when they are under the care of a child health service and it is appropriate for their care to continue with child health services.
The service is also available for families who have received an antenatal diagnosis of a serious or life threatening condition.
All infants, children and young people referred to PPC must have a primary paediatric team involved. PPC works alongside the primary team at all times.
Early discussion and integration of palliative care is preferable and can lead to improved quality of life for seriously ill children.
Referral process
If you have a child or young person who you think needs referring to Paediatric Palliative Care, consider would it be surprising if the child died:
In the next year;
During this episode of care; or
Prematurely because of a serious illness?
If you answered "no" to any one of the questions, consider referral.
For more information on the referral process, see the flowchart below.
