Places to stay
Starship ward accommodation
At Starship Child Health, we recognise the importance of having a parent or caregiver staying with their child whenever possible. Accommodation is available on the ward for one parent or caregiver. See staying with your child for further information.
Please note that it is not possible for parents or caregivers to stay overnight with a child in Intensive Care or High Dependency Units. Alternative accomodation is then provided within Starship or nearby.
Ronald McDonald accommodation
Ronald McDonald Family Room®

The Ronald McDonald House Family Room - funded by the Ronald McDonald House Charities® (RMHC®) New Zealand - provides families a place to rest and recharge just moments away from their child on the ward. It’s located within Starship Hospital on Level Three, with a stunning view over the harbour.
The Family Room day lounge provides a restful space for all caregivers who have a child receiving treatment at Starship Hospital. Visiting hours are between 8.00 am and 6.00 pm daily. Snacks, laundry services, and Wi-Fi are available free of charge. A play area is available for siblings, patients, and visitors. Due to high demand, visitor numbers are restricted to a maximum of four family members and/or guests at a time, per patient.
There are 13 short-stay beds for caregivers of critically ill children when it‘s imperative that they are just moments away from their hospitalised child. These beds are allocated in consultation with hospital staff and are given on a greatest needs basis. The Family Room provides three meals a day for these accommodated families, ensuring they can focus on the most important thing, their child in hospital.
If you need an overnight stay as a respite from the ward or even for a nap and hot shower during the day, ask your charge nurse for a referral. They may be able to arrange this service depending on availabilities on the day.
Ronald McDonald House®
There are two Ronald McDonald House facilities within a few minutes’ walk of Starship Hospital: Ronald McDonald House – Domain (on the hospital grounds), and Ronald McDonald House - Grafton Mews (a few minutes’ walk down the hill).
These two facilities provide House families with a host of amenities including:
Four kitchens stocked with necessities
Onsite laundry for families from 8 am-10 pm
A library
An on-site school for children in years 1-8
TV lounges
Expressing Room for NICU mums
Fitness centre
Business centre for parents
Free Wifi
Children outdoor play areas
A range of programmes for our families to enjoy including art classes, dinner, and children’s yoga/massage
More information about the House facilities and eligibility criteria can be found at
Contact details:
Ronald McDonald House – Auckland Domain
Building 11
Auckland Hospital
2 Park Road
Grafton, Auckland
Ronald McDonald House – Grafton Mews
Grafton Mews
52-54 Grafton Road
Grafton, Auckland
Postal Address
Ronald McDonald House Auckland
PO Box 110119
Symonds Street
Auckland 1150
09 365 8300
Te Whare Awhina Whanau Accommodation
Te Whare Awhina is located on the Auckland City Hospital site and is available to whānau/family who meets the entry criteria.
Accommodation is short term and primarily for whānau of patients who live outside of the Greater Auckland region. Whānau who have a patient that resides in the Auckland region, will be considered on a case by case basis. Patients themselves are not eligible for accommodation.
We can accommodate a Maximum of 3 whānau members. Bedding, towels, and laundry facilities are provided. A kitchen is available but families must supply their own food. A bond of $20 is required upon registration. A fee may be charged if you are not eligible for a Ministry of Health subsidy.
All bookings must be made via a referral. If you need accommodation, ask your nurse, or one of the He Kamaka Waiora team.
Contact Te Whare Awhina: 09 307 4949 ext 25830.
Domain Lodge
The Domain Lodge is owned and operated by the Auckland Division of the Cancer Society. Priority and preference is given to cancer patients and their supporters, but there are some units available to the general public. There is no charge for cancer patients. Others need to check charges.
1 Boyle Crescent (corner of Park Road & Boyle Crescent),
Contact details:
Phone: (64 9) 308 0161 Z
Fax: (64 9) 308 0175