Staying with your child
At Starship Child Health, we understand how important it is for your child to have a parent or caregiver staying with them whenever possible. We provide overnight accommodation in the ward for one parent or caregiver to stay with their child. Brothers and sisters cannot stay in the wards. This is due to space restrictions and the need for staff to be able to get to the patient quickly and easily at all times. The nominated caregiver must be over the age of 16 and capable of looking after themselves.
Please see 'Places to stay' for additional family members or accommodation needs.
If you are staying on the ward with your child, you will be provided with a bed or tiltaway bed that folds up, depending on the available space. Linen and pillows are provided. There are shower and toilet facilities for parents/caregivers on every ward. Depending on the ward and the space available, you may share a room with another child and their parent or caregiver. All wards have a microwave, toaster and fridge in the ward kitchen and some wards have a separate parent lounge and kitchen.

The nominated parent or caregiver will be provided with breakfast only each day, and will have to make their own arrangements for lunch and dinner. The exception to this is for breastfeeding mothers, who will also be provided with lunch and dinner.
Please note that it is not possible for parents or caregivers to stay overnight with their child in the Intensive Care or High Dependency Units. In these circumstances, alternative accommodation is then provided within Starship in the Ronald McDonald Family Room or close by.
Infant Safe Sleeping - Read about safe sleeping practices to help reduce the risk of SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy)
Starship Child Health is committed to providing a smokefree environment for children and families. If you and your child are coming to Starship and you are a smoker, please be aware that Te Toka Tumai Auckland has a Smokefree Policy. This means that smoking is not permitted anywhere within the hospital grounds. This applies to everyone: patients, family members, visitors and staff. Find out more about Te Toka Tumai Smokefree Services here.