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Your A-Z of resources and facilities

Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)

Level Three of Starship near Tiny Bites cafe, and Level Five of the Auckland City Hospital Support Building. The Level Five shops, the cashier and parking attendants also accept EFTPOS.

Baby Change Rooms

These are signposted and located in: 

  • the public toilets near the lifts on each level of Starship

  • Children's Emergency Department Level Two

  • Children's X-ray Level Two

  • Children's Therapy Level Three

  • Outpatients Clinic Level Three

Breastfeeding/Expressing Rooms

Starship supports breastfeeding mothers. If you need help with breastfeeding or expressing while you are in hospital, please talk to the nurse caring for your child. A lactation consultant is available and your nurse can contact her if you are experiencing difficulties. There are breast pumps available for you to use if you are expressing. Breastfeeding/expressing rooms are located in:

  • Children's Emergency Department, Level Two

  • Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Level Two

  • Outpatient Clinic, Level Three

  • Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Level Nine Auckland City Hospital


The cashier is located on Level Five of Auckland City Hospital behind the main reception desk. This desk is staffed from 6.00am to 8.00pm, Monday to Friday, and 8.00am to 8.00pm Saturday and Sunday. The cashier accepts EFTPOS.


The Starship chaplaincy service offers pastoral care and spiritual guidance to patients and families in the hospital. The chaplains strive to be culturally sensitive and affirm the culture of each person. A chapel for prayer, meditation or quiet reflection is located on Level Six of Auckland City Hospital.

To contact a Chaplain please ask your nurse or phone 307 4949 ext 25447.

Entrances and Exits

The main entrance to Starship is opposite car park B. Follow the corridor up the lift or stairs to the Starship Entrance on Level Two. There is an information desk there which is staffed by volunteers between 10.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.

The entrance and exit on Level Three is in the tunnel linking Starship to the Auckland City Hospital Support Building.

All doors to the hospital are locked from 8.00pm to 6.00am. Please enter or exit through the Level Two entrance outside these hours, using the intercom provided.

Hospital Grandparents

Hospital Grandparents are carefully selected and trained volunteers who can spend time with your child when you cannot be there. This free service is available Mon - Fri from 10am to 12 noon. Please consult your nurse or ask at the reception desk of your ward to book a hospital grandparent for your child.

Information desk

The information desk at the Level Two entrance to Starship (adjacent to the Atrium) is staffed with volunteers from 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. The information desk also has a number of free resources on children's health.

There is a volunteer at a Help Desk stationed at the entrance to Starship from carpark B, just past the lift. There are also volunteers on Level Five of the Auckland City Hospital. The volunteers are available to answer any general queries you may have and help you find your way around the hospital.


All the wards at Starship Children's Health now have wireless internet network available. Ask at the reception desk on your ward for details on how to access this service.

Interpreters and Sign Language Services

Interpreters are available in many languages including sign language. If you are coming to an outpatient or day stay appointment please let the staff know in advance if you require an interpreter.

Interpretation and sign language services can be booked by your child's nurse or ward clerk. The Kai Atawhai and Pacific Family Support staff can provide additional cultural support.


If you and your child are staying on the ward, wherever possible your child's clothing should be taken home for washing and drying. There are some limited laundry facilities available in the hospital - ask your ward team for more information.

If you are staying in Ronald McDonald House, there are laundry facilities available there.

There are a number of private pay-for laundry pick-up and delivery services listed in the yellow pages.

Parent lounge/kitchen

Most wards provide parent lounges with tea and coffee making facilities, fridge, toaster and microwave. These are available 24 hours a day. Lounge facilities are also located in the Ronald McDonald Family Room on Level Three of Starship.  

Ronald McDonald family room

Located on Level Three of Starship, this is a large sunny day room with a stunning view. It offers a place for a quiet break from the wards for parents, caregivers and siblings of patients. Ask the charge nurse on your ward for a referral card to the day lounge, which is open from 8.00am to 6.00pm every day, seven days a week.


We aim to provide a safe and secure environment for staff, patients, families and visitors. Security staff are available at the entrances to the hospital and at the Children's Emergency office. The main Security Office is located on Level Five of the Auckland City Hospital building. Te Toka Tumai has a policy of zero tolerance to violence. If you are concerned about your own safety or the safety of others, please inform a staff member who will contact security.


Lost or found property can be reported or handed in to the Security Office, located on Level Five of the Auckland City Hospital building. We ask that families do not bring valuables to the hospital, and that you label all personal items. Temporary custody of valuables such as watches can be arranged when your child is away from the ward having a treatment or procedure. Please talk to the nurse caring for your child if you need to arrange this.

Showers and toilets

Showers and toilets for parents staying overnight are located just outside each ward. Please do NOT use the patient showers or toilets.

Showers and toilets are located in the Ronald McDonald family room, Ronald McDonald House and Te Whare Awhina for parents using these facilities.

Public toilets are located in various areas of the hospital and signposted. Disabled toilets are located on:

  • The atrium on Level Two

  • Outpatients, Level Three

  • Children's Therapy on Level Three

  • By the public lifts on Levels Four, Five and Six